Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Bullshit Room: Twilight

The Bullshit Room: Twilight

has finally escaped After Effects and Windows Movie Maker in a Youtube playable file.

I sparklin love how the ending turned out, I almost fell off the chair. Chris did a good Edward Cullen. I was happy with my goth chick as well.

Got my fangirl nuclear bashing shelter prepared, ready to ride out the high-pitched retaliation from Twilight junkies. But it had to be done.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The 'Shit Is On, Bitch

It's after 5 AM but the shooting for Bullshit Box 2 is just about in the can. One of my bandmates Chris is the splitting if slightly shorter image of Robert Pattinson (the actor who plays the Twilight vampire guy, Edward Cullen). Got my very own Edward complete with pasty broody brows added to the arsenal for whatever Youtube satire I like. Also brought out my inner goth chick with a medieval woman wig from a theatre supply store and "The Covenant" makeup kit to smack'em around with.

Stephanie Meyers, you goin down, thief.