Friday, April 27, 2007

America: a slogan

Freedom is a fuckin' slogan.

Did I say freedom was a slogan?

I meant America is a slogan.

Painting horses on cars. Ride off into the Suntmset. Typographically accurate quill dialects on photo-realistic bump-mapped sepia parchment. Declaration of These Signifiers of Assorted Associated Imagined Temporary Autonomous Zones: Constant Constitutional Variable-State Functions. Semiotics calibrated with genetic algorithms to divide and conquer K-ary Trees of Life for optimum neuron beat to dance-dance for maximum limbic frequency response via minimum resource allocation. Excellular automatic machination of humanation, climbing phylogenetic tertiary-consumerism spreadsheets, the watchmaker chasing blindly American dreams of American sheep, slowly grows eyes. Data-mine self-evidence, truths, Djikstra's identity crisis and condense, conflagrate, nuggetize Dirty Harry Bombs.

Shoot Fifty-Cent and win a free lap-top.

Challenge everything.

I'm lovin' it.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Invisible Pink Unicorn's boyfriend puts the smack down

Apparently, some evangeli-bots have been spamming this routine to all the edges of the internet tubes:

"The good news is that about 2000 years ago Jesus Christ(God the Son) paid for everyone's sins or wrong doing by dying on the cross and rising from the dead after three days.

Jesus Christ had to be both God and man because He is sinless and therefore He is the only person who can get us into Heaven when we die because He is the only One who could pay for our sins.

The Holy Bible says, "That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God(The Father) raised Jesus Christ from the dead, you will be saved." {Romans 10:9}

You should not wait until later to get saved because you may die before you get another chance and you will miss Heaven.

The Holy Bible describes Heaven as a beautiful place where people live forever with no death, sorrow, sickness and pain. {Revelation 21:4}

Hell is described as a place of suffering forever for all those who are not saved. {Matthew 13:50}

If you want to be sure you will go to Heaven after this life is over just pray a meaningful prayer right now from your heart to God like the one below and you will be saved.

Dear God I want to be saved. Dear Jesus Christ Son of God I want to make you my personal Lord and Savior. Please forgive me of my sins or things I have done wrong in my life. Thanks Jesus Christ for taking my punishment for my sins by shedding your sinless blood on the cross and dying for my sins. Jesus Christ I now confess you as my Lord and believe in my heart that God(The Father) raised you from the dead. Amen.

If you just allowed God to save you then welcome to the family of God because you are now a Christian on your way to Heaven.

Please copy and send or email this message to your friends and family so they can have a chance to be saved. « go here if you were just saved « my home e-mail address"

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Tragic Death of Tragedy

(Note: the views expressed herein are not those of the author and are meant as a critique. This blog's author does not in any way condone the tragedy at Virginia Tech and does express sympathy for the victims.)

Solipsism + game theory + post-humanism + scarcity narrative wins!

Level up!

48,232,099,548,384,883 comments - post comment - post video comment - buy "Video Games to Nietzsche: The Mind of a Killer" - find tickets for "The Secret Heroes of Virginia Tech" in your area now!

"First, we at EA Games would like to express our deepest condolences to the families of the students and staff of
Virginia Tech who lost loved ones in this unthinkable incident..."

"We at Fox News wish to express our most heartfelt condolences to those families of the students and staff of
Virginia Tech who lost loved ones in this unthinkable incident..."

"We at American Idol wish to express our deepest condolences to the families of the students and staff of Virginia Tech who were lost in this most horrible and unbelievable tragedy. We'd like to dedicate this song to..."

Comment by candygurl435: "im just wondering what they did to him......maybe they ignore him when he speaks or something like that.....but thats sad.....some of the student that he kill have honors in their careers....i hope people start to understand that (racist) can be dangerouos! r.i.p"

Comment by jahmed: "atleast muslims dont rape their women or fuck them then leave them or kill them if they cheated because they never cheat and all this started because Cho's girl cheated on him so fuck you and your gay ass violant country, solve ur own problems with gays and everything else then solve others problems."

Comment by djHypn0tixx:" u guys r really pissing me off okay?, the gunman was my cousin u dont know him or wat happened to our family so stfu if you dont know the life of a killer. u all should go wathc my video on life of real student killers"


"President Bush has announced his plans to send 70,000 troops to occupy college campuses all across the U.S. in order to ensure the safety of the students."


"The results of a new study show that shootings on college campuses have gone up 500% and rapes up 300% in the past six months."


Comment by RaxilMed: "Do you suffer from repeated violent rapes? You're not alone: millions are diagnosed with chronic rape disorder (CRD) every year.

Raxil can help.

Raxil's patented formula is clinically proven to regulate attraction pheromones and simultaneously neutralize male aggression. Although extremely unlikely, in the event that you are raped, Raxil will respond to your distressed emotional state and act as a GABA blocker, which will prevent your brain from forming a long-term memory of the incident; it will be as though the rape never happened!

'I used to suffer from recurring nightmares, depression and social anxiety. With Raxil, I can do what I want, go where I want, wear what I want without worry. I feel like I'm really living my life again.' -Jamie, 20"

Comment by david: "Pain, love, experience, 'life' is no longer the 'edge of the algorithm', the 'point', the cherished aspect of what we consider our existence as discrete grey-matter-accelerated monkeys. It is increasingly and increasingly apparent that more accurate is the model of our experiences as detritus devoured by some other terrible and larger emergent intelligent system."

Friday, April 13, 2007

Secret Poetic Machination

I went ahead and cleaned up a bunch of stuff, re-recorded some bits in my song:

Secret Constellation - the imaginary music video

Saw Children of Men tonight, definitely recommended. Outstanding cinematography, choreography, and visual style out of the bleakest imagined futures of the Reagan era to warm the German-designed, Chinese manufactured heart of an expatriate bartender. Really reminded me of 70's semi-avant post-apocalyptic cautionary sci-fi.

I wanted to do something for my friend Lori's cellular poetry slam, here's what I came up with:

Apple: Find Your Inner Neo.
Apple: 'Cause Microsoft sucks, bigtime.
OSX: It's almost like UNIX
Apple: where 'Pod people go.
Apple: It never goes pear-shaped.
Apple: They're not beige.
Apple: Slightly less evil.
Apple: Because Google doesn't make laptops......yet
Apple: I would love to help but everything I say is laced with sarcasm- People always take it as insults-
Apple: it sucks less.
Apple: because conspicuous consumption is the only way you've found to impress your peers.
Apple: because you think you're a musician
Apple: Think different...until you start using the same hardware as everyone else

Monday, April 09, 2007

Grindhouse: A Heart Warming, Slice Of Life, Cumming Of The Post Age Story For The Whole Family

Quentin Tarantino/Robert Rodriguez: Grindhouse: The Dawn Of The Brains Made Of Pure Imitation Splattered 70's Celluloid-to-VHS That Taste Like Thanksgiving Terror in a Blender Set to Pulp: Attack of the Bad Hombres: Bad-Good Done Good-Good: A Post Post-Production Production: That Chick From Bewitched is - Arching Gogo Girl, Hidden Obsolescence Parable: And Kurt Russel as: Kurt Russel - Getting French Connection-Style High-Octane Ass-Raped by 'The Sistah' And Screams Like A Little Bitch.

Fuck Yeah! My only irks were I think Rodriguez could've taken his a bit a little further in "Planet Terror" and Tarantino could've used half the Reservoir-Dog-Intro, "First Person" pans and a little less pot while working on the first half of "Death Proof". But Fuck Yeah!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Winner Don't Use Drug!

Ok finally done taking pictures of shit and jumping and flipping around like a marlin and trying to look terrified and focused. On to Photoshopic surgery.


Flipping in the restroom

My friend Nick plays the fighter spaceship pilot.

dirt is good for you

"'Gaia' (tm) uses only natural, sterilized dirt of the highest quality, clinically proven to boost the immune system and counteract depression. With our patented, perfectly engineered blend of ginseng, natural anti-oxidants, and pure, refined soil from the slopes of the Swiss Alps, you'll be feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and 'earthy' again.

Gaia: bring out the natural you"

Started Stross' Glass House today. Still has that "14-year-old-boy-ventriloquisting-his-Evangelion-figures" character thing that I don't enjoy so much. It's like, he takes off into some of the furthest and most brightly conceptualized possible future realities, but he fails to make those (admittedly bizarre by our 21st century pre-post-human barometers) worlds feel at all not even necessarily realistic, but compelling or convincing. Maybe that's just some residual hard sf character trait of his. A big part of it is he has a tendency to just take a year of ultra-geeky IRC log's full of ideas and smash them in without really exploring the deeper emergence-ies of any particular one, not letting "the pot come to a boil" I suppose/digress.

A homeland security degree will turn you into Neo.

300: Bomb Iran!

Just saw 300 of the biggest cockheads in the universe, and not in a "oh fuck that feels good in my man-vagina" way. More like an out-right raping and pillaging of the time period, progressivism, and cross-cultural understanding that is trying to write itself off to "it's just fun and (video)games". Movie hopped it though, so I don't feel so bad about it.

Wait for the special platinum release never-before-seen Hong Kong hand-held cam edition. Actually, don't even wait for that.

You can milk the glassy eyed brainstems of the caffeine fingered Unreal Tournament k1d5 in all of us without creating the (MANYBADTHINGS)ist celluloid spawn of a DC neocon thinktank. You can be hyper-entertaining and dumb without being completely fucked up. Come on, Frank.

Twilite's futurist prediction nugget #349399

In the future, all history will be bad-cheesy comic book distillations written not by "Teh Winners" but by whoever post-renders their pecs, abs, and balls the sexiest.